RFID Packaging Providers

This is NOT an endorsement or list of nominated suppliers.  These are packaging providers that have supplied packaging for other RFID Programs and could help with your RFID packaging needs as well. Suppliers can also utilize other RFID packaging providers that are not listed here. All packaging providers will need to source an Auburn university ARC approved inlay

Name Types of Packaging Available Minimum Order QTY Turnaround Time (Working Days) Country of Origin Production
wdt_ID Name Types of Packaging Available Minimum Order QTY Turnaround Time (Working Days) Contact Name Contact e-mail Country of Origin Production
1 Arizon RFID Technology Co.,Ltd Labels, Stickers, Hangtags Varies 21 to 28 Various Business@Arizonrfid.com China
2 Atlas RFID Labels, Hangtags, Boxes and Cartons, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards, Clamshell, Polybags and Protective Packaging None 1 to 12 Various walmart@atlasRFIDstore.com USA
3 Avery Dennison Hangtags, Stickers, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards, Polybags and Protective Packaging 10,000 7 to 20 Various explore.averydennison.com/rfid/p/1 USA, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, China, Thailand, Indonesia, Taiwan, Pakistan, Dubai, India, Bangladesh, Brazil, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Turkey, Peru, Mexico
4 B&G International Stickers, Hangtags, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards, Labels None 3 to 7 Dan Cunneen DCunneen@usa.bgintr.com Hong Kong, China, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, USA
5 Checkpoint Systems Hangtags, Labels, Stickers, Inserts and Cards Varies 10 to 15 David Cregar dcregar@checkpt.com USA, Mexico, Brazil, Netherlands, Hong Kong, China, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam
6 Contempo Card Inserts and Cards, Boxes and Cartons, Hangtags, Polybags and Protective Packaging, jars, bottles, tubes 1,000 14 to 28 Mallory Bonoyer mallory@contempocard.com USA, China
7 FineLine Technologies Stickers, Hangtags, Labels, Inserts and Cards, Boxes and Cartons None 2 Various rfid@finelinetech.com USA, China, India, EU, South Africa, Canada
8 Finotex Labels, Stickers, Hangtags 50,000 21 to 28 Josue Abarca jabarca@finotex.com USA, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Columbia, Hong Kong
9 Komax Stickes, Labels, Hangtags, Inserts and Cards, Belly Band, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging None 7 to 14 Various rfid@worldkomax.com China, Indonesia, Vietnam
10 LianSheng Hangtags, Labels, Stickers, Inserts and Cards, Boxes and Cartons None 7 to 10 Cherry Yang fengyiu@liansheng.com.hk China
11 Mainetti Group Labels, Hangtags, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging, Inserts and Cards Varies 7 to 14 Alan Tamny alan.tamny@mainetti.com China, Hong Kong, India, Bangladesh, US, Egypt, Mexico
12 Maxim Hangtags, Stickers, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging None 5 to 14 Josh Macy Josh.Macy@Maxim-group.com USA, China, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Korea, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Germany, U.K., Taiwan, Dubai, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, South Africa, Turkey, Mexico
14 Natco Stickers, Labels, Hangtags, Inserts and Cards, Belly Band, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging Varies 5 to 7 Francis Rodriguez francis.rodriguez@natcoglobal.com USA, Hong Kong, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Taiwan, Guatemala, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Mexico
15 Nexgen Packaging LLC Hangtags, Labels 100 (can be flexible) 7 to 10 Charlie Brown WalmartRFID@nexgenpkg.com Hong Kong, China, Vietnam, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, UK, Ethiopia, US, Mexico Guatemala
16 r-pac International Corp Stickers, Boxes and Cartons, Inserts and Cards, Polybags and Protective Packaging, Belly Band None 7 to 15 Cheryl DePalma rfid@r-pac.com USA, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, El Salvador, India, Europe, UAE, Turkey, Mexico
17 Real Packaging Stickers, Hangtags, Inserts and Cards, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging None 7 to 10 Luna Chen luna@realpkg.com China
18 RR Donnelley (RRD) Labels, Boxes and Cartons, Belly Bands, Inserts and Cards, Clamshell Varies 5 to 20 Kaitlyn Haight kaitlyn.g.haight@rrd.com USA, EU, China, El Salvador, Mexico
19 SML Stickers, Hangtags, Belly Bands, Labels, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging Varies 2 to 15 Various SMLRFID@sml.com Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Portugal, Sri Lanka, Turkey, UK, USA, Vietnam
20 Starport Technologies Labels, Hangtags, Belly Band, Polybags and Protective Packaging None 1 to 42 Sanders Roth sroth@starporttech.com USA
21 Printografik Packaging India Pvt Ltd Hangtags, Inserts and Cards, Boxes and Cartons, Belly Band, Stickers, Labels None 6 to 12 Ajay Arora ajay@printografik.com India
22 ITL Group Stickers, Hangtags, RFID Sew-in labels, Woven labels, Heat Transfers, Care Labels, In-plant Printing Solutions None 2 to 10 Sam Wehbe sam.wehbe@itl-group.com Canada, China, Mexico, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, South Africa, Germany, Turkey, Mauritius, Madagascar
24 Sensormatic by Johnson Controls Labels, Hangtags None 2 to 15 Nicole White nicole.white@jci.com USA, China, Brazil, Mexico, Spain
25 MSM Solutions Labels, Hangtags None 3 to 15 Brett Wilkerson bwilkerson@msmsolutions.com USA
28 RFID4U Labels, Stickers, Hangtags None 1 to 20 Archit Dua info@rfid4u.com USA
29 Progressive Label INC Stickers, Hangtags 1,000 2 to 7 Victor H. Silva vsilva@progressivelabel.com USA, Hong Kong, Mexico
32 Shinwoo Global Sticker, Label, Hangtag, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards, Polybags and Protective Packaging None 7 to 14 John Park johnpark@shinwoo-global.com, rfid@shinwoo-global.com Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea
33 MPI Label Systems Labels, Stickers, Hangtags 1,000 7 to 14 Shauna Crawford Shauna@mpilabels.com USA
35 Marshall and Bruce Printing Co. Labels, Stickers, Boxes and Carton, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards Varies 20 to 28 Rob Smith rsmith@marbruco.com USA
36 RFIDLinked Labels, Stickers, Hangtags None 1 Don Powers sales@rfidlinked.com USA
37 American Label Technologies Inc. Labels, Stickers, Inserts and Cards, Hangtags, Polybags and Protective Packaging 1,000 5 to 10 CJ Schmitt CJ@americanlabeltech.com USA, China, Hong Kong
38 ALL-TAG Stickers, Hangtags, Boxes and Cartons, Polybags and Protective Packaging, Belly Band, Inserts and Cards, Labels None 3 to 7 Josh Simmons jsimmons@all-tag.com USA, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, UK, EU, Vietnam, India
39 Do-It Corporation Hangtags, Liquids Varies 14 to 28 Josh Hale Josh.Hale@Do-It.com USA
40 ElastiTag® Hangtags, Metals, Liquids 2000 15 to 20 Belinda Heidebrink belindah@bedford.com USA
41 Multi-Color Corporation (MCC) Labels, Boxes and Cartons, Cards, Liquids Varies 5 to 28 Dave Canaris david.canaris@mcclabel.com USA
42 Taopin Smart Label Inserts and Cards, Bellybands, Boxes and Cartons, Hangtags, Stickers, Labels, Metals, Liquids None 1 to 7 Sandy Zhou Smartlabel@shtaopin.com.cn USA, China, Vietnam
43 JiaLianJie Sticker, Labels, Hangtags, Woven Label, Inserts, Cards None 1 to 7 Simon Jin Sales5@xmjljrfid.com China, Hong Kong, USA
46 Sourcing Solutions International Stickers, Hangtags, Boxes, Paper Hangers, Bellybands, Inserts, Header Cards, Labels None 7-10 Joseph Schlossberg jaschlossberg@ss-intl.com China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Hong Kong